One Born Every Minute on Channel 4 at 9pm Mondays, follows the staff, patients and new arrivals at Southmead Hospital, Bristol.
Emotions ran high on the episode shown on Monday 3rd March as one expectant mum prepares to have a cesarean. She has a history of haemorrhages so the team at the hospital prepare blood to be at the ready, this blood is stored in their Labcold Compact Blood Bank which you can see in several shots throughout the show. An Obstetrician explains that emergency cesareans can result in blood loss so it is imperative that the hospital has blood supplies which they can rely on and gain access to easily.
Labcold Compact Blood Banks are ideal for Maternity Units and provide the safe storage of blood products that busy departments such as Southmead rely on.
The series continues next Monday and you can watch it on catch up on 4oD.