Xtreme Everest is a dedicated team of intensive care doctors, nurses and scientists. They conduct experiments on themselves and other volunteers at high altitude in order to develop novel therapies to improve the survival rates of their patients. This is the second visit to Everest, where they hope to continue their pioneering work on the effects of hypoxia.
The Labcold super freezers are used to keep blood samples for analysis both in the field and back in the UK. With an operating temperature range of between -30°C and -40°C, these freezers were thoroughly performance tested, including surviving a hyperbaric chamber and being flown up Mount Rosa hanging beneath a helicopter, when the same model was successfully used for the CASE Medical Alpine expedition in 2010.
For more information on the expedition visit www.xtreme-everest.co.uk or follow them on Facebook and Twitter. We will also update you via social media or visit www.labcold.com.