It was a pleasure to present Cpl George Hoyle, RMC of RAF Marham with a Kindle after he entered the Labcold competition at The Pharmacy Show 2013! After drawing his entry form all the correct entries received, we wasted no time in getting his prize to him.
The Pharmacy Show was yet another chance for Labcold to show case the IntelliCold range of pharmacy and vaccine refrigerators, designed from top to bottom to provide safe and secure vaccine storage. Packed with a range of helpful features such as automatic temperature data recording, a 90m second door alarm and the option of a UKAS traceable manufacturers calibration certificate, the Labcold IntelliCold range is backed by a FREE 5 year parts and labour warranty!
Thanks you to everyone who visited the Labcold stand at The Pharmacy Show and entered our competition. We’re sorry you all can’t be winners, but congratulations to George.